Tuesday, November 4, 2014

October 2014

I can't believe October has come and gone! It always flies by, but man! This time was insane. October is always jam packed for us. Unfortunately, I didn't get as many things knocked off my fall list as I had hoped. The first weekend consisted of crumby weather, so we stayed in. The second weekend, we had planned to hit up the pumpkin patch, but it was super hot, and we had a heartbreaking family situation. The next weekend, we went to Talladega. (Go Jimmie!) The last weekend was our annual Smokie Mountains trip. Just like that our weekends were gone. Luckily Jake took off that following Monday and we made our yearly pumpkin patch visit. 

I was nervous about Halloween this year, but it was a success. I tried to get Ty to wear his costume a couple weeks ago and he refused. Thankfully, Halloween night, he wore it without much fight. I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but this kid is obsessed with cars. So naturally, he was the cutest race car driver ever! I found his costume for $5 at a consignment store. Score!

It was pretty cold that night, but he was a trooper. He seemed a little confused at first, but he was on board after he saw the candy going in his bag. He said "trick or treakin treakin" at every house. It was so cute and I wish I had recorded it. 
I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween and are still munching on candy like we are!

Friday, October 3, 2014


It is finally starting to feel like fall around these parts and I couldn't be happier. To celebrate, I had to do a typical chalkboard, but I love it! I have already knocked a couple off the list!

The high for tomorrow is going to be like 63 degrees. I'm so excited to experience this pregnancy during the cooler months. I had Tytan in June and it was a hot one. I remember it hit 100 degrees one day and there was a air quality warning. Miserable. So I'm excited for a winter baby. Speaking of my sweet baby boy, I think we have finally decided on a name. 
Zayn Forrest
Here he is today at my 20 weeks ultrasound. He is already on his way to mirroring his brother in the height department. He is in the 90th percentile on lenth. He was so sweet and we saw him sucking his thumb. He is also already stubborn like his big bro. We could tell Tytan was stubborn during his ultrasounds too. Boys...whadda ya do?

Friday, September 5, 2014

Baby Perry #2 is a....

That's right! Tytan is getting a little brother. We can't decide on a name just yet, but we are working on it. Hopefully we will have one picked out before he's born!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

He or She...what will you be?

Friday is our anatomy ultrasound. I'm trying not to think about it, because I'm kind of freaking out. I know either way I am going to love that baby beyond words, but I am just so ready to know what it's going to be. I hate the suspense of not knowing. Hopefully the baby acts right and shows us the goods. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Our farmhouse table

While surfing Pinterest one day last year, I found this gem of a DIY project.
The thought of making my own dinning room table had never even crossed my mind. I was in the process of remodeling our home and making it ours and decided we had to attempt this! Plus who doesn't love saving hundreds of dollars?

We started out with 5 pine 2x6's cut to 6ft (I can't remember why we opted for the 2x6 vs 2x8 like the blog above). I sanded them smooth and rounded the corners. One thing I wish I had done was fill the holes from the knots with wood putty. I love the look of the rough and worn wood, buuuut food tends to fall there and it's hard to get it out. 

Next step, after I wiped off the sawdust, was to stain. I used Miniwax stain in Red Mahogany. I brushed it on and waited about 15 minutes, and then I wiped the excess off. I applied a second coat a few hours later. All of the prep work is what took the longest. I had to do it during nap times, so it took me longer than it should have. I really actually enjoyed the process though. When I finished staining, I sanded the edges to give it a worn look. Next I applied some polyurethane. I know your supposed to sand inbetween staining coats & poly, but I didn't. I hope it doesn't bite me in the butt later, but I wanted to finish my table!

I also had to prep my legs and the apron boards. I painted them an aqua blue. I've lost the paint name so if I ever need to match paint, I'm in trouble! 

Jake actually put my table together for me. He did it in a matter of time. 

After it was assembled, I decided to apply a coat of polyurethane to the legs and apron. I didn't want my blue paint chipping. I absolutely love my table and the way it turned out!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Tytan's birth story

This is only 2 years late, but here goes...

Ty's birth was not ideal. I admit I am still quite bitter over it. You have been warned. 

I had great dreams of having a natural unmedicated birth. I had printed out my birth plan and given it to my dr. Everything was going to go great...right? Nah. At about 33 weeks, my doctor left the practice! I should have found a new doctor (that had great reviews), but I had already paid a lot of money and wasn't sure I could get it back. So I saw the next available OB. I was thrown to the wolves.

Fast forward to the appointment before my due date, the doctor that checked me that day, said I had NO progress whatsoever. He said he could induce me if I wanted, but I would be practically "paying for a c-section". Well, of course, I did NOT want that. So I decided to hang out and let little man cook some more and pray I went into labor on my own.

My due date came and went and still no baby.

I went to my OB when I was 3 days past my due date. I still didn't have much progress. He said maybe 1 cm dilated and that my cervix was unfavorable. They decided to do a NST and an ultrasound. When the lady told me I was the first person she's done a NST on for going past their due date, that should have been a warning sign. I should have done something then, but, what can you do when your that far along? Anyways...the ultrasound showed that my baby was weighing in at 9 lbs 5 oz. Wow. He apparently hadn't dropped either. With all of the factors against me, my dr strongly suggested a C-section for fear of shoulder dystocia. I was absolutely heartbroken. I desperately wanted my vaginal birth.

They sent me to the hospital triage. They put on the belly monitor. I'm not quite sure what the point of all of this was, but when the dr on call came in, we had already decided to go ahead with the C-section. I had been scared into thinking I would hurt my baby if I didn't. I didn't want that gamble. I think back to that day, and just wonder if I had stuck to my guns, what would have happened...

We scheduled the C-section for the next day at 9am. After heading to the OR, we got bumped back after someone had to have an emergency C-section. He was born at 12:38pm. He weighed 8lbs and 9oz and was 21 inches long. The first thing I said when I saw him was "Yay! He has hair" I saw him for a second, before Jake took him off to bathe him. I then had to wait an hour in recovery by myself. I couldn't wait to get my hands on my baby!

The uncondition love I feel for my son is unreal. That day will always be one of the greatest days of my life even though it didn't go at all like I planned. But more than anything, the love I felt that day, shows me a glimpse of the love Christ has for me. That blows me away. God is so good!

Second trimester & homeschooling

As of last Thursday, I am 13 weeks pregnant and officially in my second trimester! I have never been so happy to say that. This pregnacy has been so different compared to my first. I had it super easy with Tytan. This one on the other hand, ugh, I'm sick all the time. I haven't actually lost my breakfast, but I have come pretty close. I feel like crap all. the. time. I'm hoping it eases up soon. On the bright side, we should find out the gender at my next appointment!

                                                     Little gummy bear at 12 weeks

I have been toying with the idea of homeschooling for some time. I got the opportunity to get my hands on some Abeka preschool material, and I cannot wait to try it out with Ty. He's a stubborn boy, so I'm not sure how that's going to go down. I'm praying he is open to it, and I am also praying that God helps me get organized and disciplined. I think once we get a schedule worked out, it will be great!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Here we go again

We are thrilled to announce we are expecting again! I am due February 19, 2015, so quite a while to wait. We are so excited and so blessed! God is good!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Ty's construction themed party

This year I wanted to throw Tytan a construction themed birthday party after seeing some really cute stuff on Pinterest. After buying a few things here and there, I decided I wasn't going to go all out. What I had was going to have to be good enough. So here are some pictures of the big day. (I did a terrible job capturing the day. I got busy hosting.)
Excuse the door...my cat has destroyed the paint
Sloppy chalkboard I threw up an hour before the party. 
We made the cake ourselves...nailed it! Hah.
Thankfully my MIL got this on camera. 
This adorable shirt got totally ruined with icing. It was cute while it lasted!
And his favorite gift from his awesome Aunt Kaykay and Uncle Michael. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Happy birthday baby

Edit: I originally posted (or so I thought) this June 12. Carry on...

I have a 2 year old as of 12 hours ago. I'm really not sure where the time keeps going, but I wish it would slow down. I am laying in bed in tears, because I looked through Tytan's baby pictures on Facebook. I never cry unless I look back on him as a baby. Kids grow so fast. Truly like a weed. It's so true when they say don't blink, because you'll miss it. My goal is to take in everyday, every kiss, every laugh. Put my phone down and play in the floor with my baby. He won't want me to sit and play with him soon. I don't want to miss out on anything. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Another one off my list

Remember my post with all of my plans for my house? Well I knocked another one off. Actually since I wrote that post I have checked a few off. Today I'm talking about making my mailbox cute. Of course it will be cuter when my plant get big & beautiful. That is if they don't die of course. I have a bit of a black thumb. 

Oh, see my front door back there? That was another one I completed last year. It was great, until my cat started scratching the paint off...

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Life update

Wow it has almost been a year since I last posted. I really am terrible at this. What has happened since I last wrote here? Well, my son hasn't stopped growing.

 He will be two in a month! He is learning new things everyday. I am sad that I didn't use this blog to record more of his milestones. Better late than never? Ty has a vocabulary of at least 50 words, and adds to it everyday. He is really starting to repeat me when I tell him what something is. He thinks every color is "boo" (blue). He calls every type of automobile a car. Speaking of, he is obsessed with cars. So, we are redoing his room with that theme. We tried to transition him to a big bed, but he refuses. So, he has a twin size bed, and a crib in his room. He sleeps from 8pm to 8am so, I can't complain. We bought him a potty, and he has used it twice, but he's not ready. He still wakes up soaking wet. Plus, I am not ready. I am kind of scared to start this whole process. We are using cloth diapers again. We started them when he was 3 months and quit after his first birthday. Liners are my best friend. I can't believe it took me so long to realize that's what I needed. 

We had a pretty big event happen in our home back in January. We had an unusually cold winter here in Alabama. The temperature dropped into the single digits for about a week. Our pipes busted in our kitchen not once, not twice, but in SEVEN places. 

Long story short,we got new flooring! It was a blessing in disguise. We had planned to do tile in our kitchen in the future. We also hated our living room floor, but we were going to have to live with it, because we couldn't afford new hardwoods. The insurance money took care of both. We are so happy with the final product! 

We also got our backyard fenced in with our tax return. Now baby boy can play outside to his hearts content! This has definitely been a year of home remodeling. 

My sweet hubby bought himself a toy to tinker with. He purchased a '74 Dodge Dart sport. He is over the moon. I just see a money pit, but don't tell him I said that. ;)  

I think that about sums it up for now. Have a great day :)