Friday, June 12, 2015

Tytan turns three

How is it even possible for me to have a three year old? Today has been a fun filled birthday. We (by we I mean I) decided to skip the birthday party stress and just do something fun. So we went to the zoo. I asked Ty if that's what he wanted to do and he replied yeah with the most enthusiasm. We loaded up (with half of our family in tow) and traveled to the Birmingham zoo. 

We had a very memorable day. 

Momma loves you so much! I thank God for choosing me to be your mom. You are so very rambunctious and wild but have the biggest heart of gold. I love your sweet smiling face. 

Also...thank you for being potty trained!

Friday, April 10, 2015

The meaning of Zayn

When we found out we were having another boy, we had the hardest time picking a name. I have had a girl name (that I'll probably never get to use) picked out for years. I finally got serious and compiled a list of names I liked. I then had Jake narrow that list down. He really liked Barrett, but it didn't sound good with our last name, so I crossed that one off. I narrowed it down to Zane or Beckett. I googled their meanings and it said it Zane was a variant of Jon from Hebrew meaning "God's gracious gift". As soon as I read that, I decided that would be the winner! It wasn't until later that we decided to spell it Zayn (since Tytan is spelled with a y). After his traumatic birth, his name means so much more. He truly is God's gracious and perfect gift!

6 weeks of Zayn

Today our miracle baby is 6 weeks old! He's growing so fast it's scary. I'm already failing as his mom. Easter was last weekend & his first real holiday, and I didn't get a single picture!!! I realized it that night, and took a picture of him in his pjs. 

I did get him in this cute outfit the day before. 

Zayn is still breastfeeding and sleeping great. We are incredibly lucky. I have the best boys in the world!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

2 weeks of Zayn

Friday, Zayn turned 2 weeks old. He is seriously the best baby! I thought Tytan was a good baby, but thinking back he had a temper. He only cried when he was hungry or sleepy, but he went from 0 to 10 in seconds. Zayn never cries. He fusses a little when he's hungry or sleepy, but he doesn't have the temper his brother had. 

Today, we took Z to church for the first time. Everyone said he looks like his brother or daddy. I still think he favors my baby pictures. 

Here's both of the boys newborn pictures I'm going to have put side by side somewhere in the house

His umbilical stump fell off today also. We get to take a real bath tonight! Yay!! 

This kid is nursing like a champ. I'm so thankful for that! 

I really hope to do a better job posting updates on here. I love the idea of having milestones recorded. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Introducing Zayn Forrest

This sweet miracle baby was born February 27 at 5:10. His birth was not what I planned, but when does life go according to plan? I wanted a vbac, but it ended up being an emergency csection. We are completely smitten with this babe. Even big brother is on board.