Sunday, March 15, 2015

2 weeks of Zayn

Friday, Zayn turned 2 weeks old. He is seriously the best baby! I thought Tytan was a good baby, but thinking back he had a temper. He only cried when he was hungry or sleepy, but he went from 0 to 10 in seconds. Zayn never cries. He fusses a little when he's hungry or sleepy, but he doesn't have the temper his brother had. 

Today, we took Z to church for the first time. Everyone said he looks like his brother or daddy. I still think he favors my baby pictures. 

Here's both of the boys newborn pictures I'm going to have put side by side somewhere in the house

His umbilical stump fell off today also. We get to take a real bath tonight! Yay!! 

This kid is nursing like a champ. I'm so thankful for that! 

I really hope to do a better job posting updates on here. I love the idea of having milestones recorded. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Introducing Zayn Forrest

This sweet miracle baby was born February 27 at 5:10. His birth was not what I planned, but when does life go according to plan? I wanted a vbac, but it ended up being an emergency csection. We are completely smitten with this babe. Even big brother is on board.